Maintain Company Templates and Prices

Templates help you speak a consistent corporate language. Moreover, you don't have to redo everything every time, but can collect and optimize knowledge within the company. Templates do not make you a standard product, but help you to constantly improve your products.

Available soon on the Advanced Plan: Project templates

Angebotsvorlagen in Kanbert

Offer Templates

Maintain your Service Portfolio

Store your service portfolio and always keep it up to date. This way, offers are always sent to your customers according to the latest scheme and prices.

With offer templates you can also process offers in no time at all – without having to copy an offer with discounts and special conditions. Test Kanbert and save time and errors on your next offer.

Available soon in the Advanced & Expert Version

Projektvorlagen in Kanbert

Project Templates

Save all your Projects as Templates

Turn your best practice projects into templates. From tasks, phases and milestones to budget plans or documentation. You decide which project parts you want to import and which elements are individually adapted.

An important feature: When importing, you can set a new start date and all timings are automatically adjusted.

Community Vorlagen in Kanbert

Community Templates

Available soon: Use Project Templates from the Community

Become part of the Kanbert community and browse through templates and projects that other Kanbert users are working with!

Find out why teams rely on Kanbert

With Kanbert, we save a lot of time and nerves in accounting and project management. The software is simple, intuitive and supports our employees in their daily business!
Katharina Wagner
Kanbert provides a comprehensive overview of our financial position and fits seamlessly into project and employee management, making additional tools unnecessary.
Brigitte Maier
Kanbert has not only refined our processes and increased efficiency, but has also enabled us to focus fully on our core mission: the excellence of our work.
Christopher Röder
At Syn IT, Kanbert ensures transparency in daily business for our customers. After just a few days, it was deeply integrated into our processes, as if it had always been there. This is how lived digital transformation works.
Markus Diepold
Managing Director
Syn IT Services

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